Proof I CAN be BRIEF

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What to say? I could list the very nice things people have said about me or the worst things people have said about me. What I'd prefer is for my essays to speak for themselves. I'm human, I have human frailties. Let's let it go at that, eh? (Goal beginning 9/2011: when able, publish one essay a week. Both light-hearted and serious fare. Join in the conversation!) Blog Archive on right.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Sleep I'm Not Getting

Sleep disruption is a common symptom for many illnesses. Lately, my sleep patterns had been improving only to cycle back into a pattern that is leaving me tired on top of ME/CFS fatigued. Take last night, I had approximately 2.5 hours of interrupted sleep, and when I finally felt ready to pass out again at 11 am, I settled into this delicious feeling of soon to be sleep and then, I fell awake. I am now dreadfully sleepy and unable to sleep.

I write this so you know why I have not been publishing a weekly essay. My brain is too tired to settle on a topic to write about or a story to tell. Summer stories keep popping into my head and I keep batting them back with the promise of "next summer." If something of value floats to the top--that is, if something manages to survive the haze and I have the energy to write about it--, you'll be the first to know.

Sweet dreams, Claire

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Claire, I'm so sorry you're going through this too. I think it must be catching, as I'm also fighting insomnia lately myself. I totally relate to your phrase "falling awake". That's exactly it. One can be so tired that the yawns cause tears to flow, but then just lay down, turn out the light, and it's fall awake time. So, I wish you sweet dreams too.
